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25 signs you have a low vibration

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Everyone gets down every now and again. It’s part of the human experience. You cannot fully appreciate the good without the bad. We are, after all, here to experience the full range of human emotion, that’s part of the deal. Problems arise however when a person gets stuck in the lower vibrations. 

I talk about vibrations a lot on this website as your vibration affects every aspect of your life. When we’re happy and content we operate from a high vibration. In contrast, when we’re feeling low and depressed we are operating from a low vibration.

Becoming aware of your vibration and energies around you 

Every human on this planet has the ability to tune into different vibrations or frequencies that surround them in their daily life. Think of the last event you went to and what the vibe of that event was. Did it have a buzzing energy, did you come away feeling lifted and happy or was it more of a sombre affair that left you feeling tired? Humans pick up on the energies around them. Likewise similar vibrations or frequencies attract similar energies. This means if you find yourself constantly stuck in a low vibration you will attract similar people or situations to match that frequency.

Photo by Krists Luhaers on Unsplash

25 common signs you have a low vibration  

Below are the most common signs that you’re operating from a low vibration: 

  1. You feel stuck in a rut 
  2. You fixate on the negatives 
  3. You’re suffering from depression
  4. You cannot see the beauty around you 
  5. You constantly feel anxious 
  6. You feel physically and mentally unhealthy 
  7. You gravitate towards unhealthy foods 
  8. You self-sabotage 
  9. You feel unmotivated
  10. You regularly make bad decisions  
  11. You hate your job
  12. You gossip a lot
  13. You need medication to help lift your mood 
  14. You complain a lot 
  15. You get irritated when you’re around happy people 
  16. You’re tired all the time
  17. You listen to intense or violent music 
  18. You are suffering from an unexplained autoimmune disease 
  19. You fixate on the thought of death
  20. You rarely feel gratitude   
  21. Thoughts of the future doesn’t excite you
  22. You have become emotionally distant 
  23. You have little-to-no energy
  24. You cannot achieve your goals 
  25. You feel stuck in a pit of despair  
Photo by Anthony Fomin on Unsplash

How to raise your vibration 

If after reading that list you decide that you’re running from a low vibration the good news is it doesn’t have to stay that way. There are many ways that you can raise your vibration, starting right now. 

Raise your vibration instantly 

One of the fastest, quickest and easiest ways to immediately raise your vibration is to shake your body. You’ve likely heard the term “shake it off” well that relates to shaking off the bad vibrations that have attached to your body. Try it right now. Start by shaking your hands, then your arms, then your shoulders, then your feet, then your legs. Do you feel that rush of energy surging through your body? It may present as a tingling sensation and it’s likely your heartbeat will increase. That is you consciously raising your vibration.

You can use this ‘quick fix’ whenever you feel you need a quick energy boost. 

Rituals to help raise your vibration  

Of course this is only a quick fix approach to raising your vibration. If you want to make more permanent changes to your life you’re going to have to form new habits which are designed to raise your vibration. There are lots of different ways you can do this. Here are just some of them:

If this has resonated with you then check out my other blogs on raising your vibration: 

5 Simple Ways to Raise your Vibration 

Learn How to Raise your Vibration

Daily Task: Your task for today is to pick one (and only one) of the mentioned ways you can raise your vibration and incorporate it into your daily life as a new ritual. Aim to do that one thing at least once a day for the next 21 days. Come back here after 21 days and let me know how you get on in the comments below. 

Thank you to  – – on Unsplash for the header photo

Georgina Caro is a certified spiritual life coach, energy reader & Reiki Master. Her aim is to help you connect to your own spiritual power, manifest the life you want and help you remember that you hold the power within you to change your life.

Georgina Caro

Helping you to raise your consciousness

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